Rock Climbing Programs
There are many kinds of rock climbing, some focus more on fingers of steel while some focus on exploring the vertical world. Multi-pitch traditional climbing or what we might call adventure climbing is a far cry from what you will see in the climbing gym.
A foray into the unknown with unforseen challenges that need to be solved on the fly. With the help of a certified guide these challenges become part of the adventure as we explore a vertical world most will never have the chance to see.
Less a fitness challenge, adventure climbing focuses on finding an objective well within your physical ability as to put the emphasis on enjoying the amazing places it can take you.

rock Climbing

Keeping it ‘Trad’itional

In traditional climbing, there is no pre-placed protective equipment, no artificially contrived routes, no bending the mountains to your will. It is up to the climbing team to use their skills to find a way to overcome the challenge the mountain poses on its terms.
You wont see the ‘sport’ climbing bolts like at the climbing gym. Only you and the rock. This way you can explore vertically without the constrictions of bolts and see places most people never dream of.

When the route is longer than a rope it’s time to ‘pitch it out’.
A large part of adventure climbing is exploring high into the vertical. High enough that a single rope cant get us there.
After your guide pulls leads the rope up as far as possible, they will belay you up on a top-rope so the risks associated with any fall are very low.
From there, with everyone on the belay ledge, we can repeat the process as many times as needed.

The Multi-pitch

During the hotter months its worth moving into shade or into the alpine for cooler temps, while in the winter lower elevations and sun make for an enjoyable day out.