Jul 31, 2015 | 14er, Alpine Climb, Colorado
A nice weather window last weekend made for some great exploring near the Mount of the Holy Cross. Spectacular views of the ‘bowl of tears’ in the Cross-Notch cirque as well as some fun moderate snow climbing. One of my new favorite ranges, it’s...
Apr 27, 2015 | Backcountry Skiing, Colorado
Great conditions. In the trees at around 12,000-feet on north aspects had about 6 inches of fresh on a rounding snowpack with weak crusts where there was sun effect. The usually N-NW wind was coming out of the east kept the fresh on the nice soft northerly aspects....
Apr 24, 2015 | 14er, Backcountry Skiing, Colorado
Skied a exposed technical line on the N. Rib of Mt. Arkansa on April 22 late in the day. Made for crusty nerve-racking skiing. A non-energetic wind slab was encountered high on the line. It was nearly bombproof but was able to step down through 3 to 4 layers of 1...
Apr 13, 2015 | Backcountry Skiing, Colorado, Ski Mountineering
Stepping up the level of exposure. Climbing and skiing a direct line on the Grand Traverse of the Gore Range, CO. Photos by Ben Markhart and Eric Haskell. We went after the most direct line possible on April 11. An interesting mix of nearly neve, rot and some...